Momma was on the ball and got Valentines all sent out :) ... BEFORE Valentine's Day! We're going to be taking Penelope to a professional photographer in March for her 6 month portraits, but I couldn't resist getting Valentine's pics taken at the Picture People! It was only $12.99 for the whole photo session AND prints! Ridiculously cheap and made a sweet V-day gift from Penny and I to Alan... and Penny's Grandmas, Grandpas, Aunts and Uncles too, lol.
The original plan was to get a nice photo of Penny and I, but as soon as we got done with her pics and moved on to taking pics with me, she got fussy right away... so that didn't work! At least we got some super cute shots of her though!
...hope everyone has a wonderful Valentine's Day! XOXOXO from the Primms!