Monday, June 8, 2009

26 week update!

The photos above are actually from a few weeks ago at about 23 weeks preggers - tomorrow marks 26 weeks already!
Penny has been bumping around her mothers innards pretty good at this point and her heart rate is good as well. Though, since Becky's tummy is a little on the small side, it has been recommended that we have another ultra sound to make certain little Penny is still on track as far as her growth goes. She is also lying sideways right now - and since Becky has a tilted pelvis, we just want to make certain that Penny will be able to turn all the way around to be facing down-ward.

Invitations for the baby shower should be sent out soon! The date has been set for July 11th in Schofield, WI! So far we don't have a whole lot - we have ordered the crib and bought a car seat and stroller combo. Other than that we have just been picking up outfits here and there as well as board books and keep-sake items. We plan to use cloth diapers - but will be using disposable wipes.


  1. Love the pictures! Keep them coming please!!!! I so wish I could be at the shower! However, Ryan and I will be there the week before so I can shower you with hugs and love. Once your shower is over, let us know what you are still in need of. That way you don't get fifty million binkies, toenail clippers, and booger suckers :)

    Love you!

  2. I knew you wouldn't be able to come - but I told my mom to send an invite anway - just to let you know we thought of you too... plus the invites I picked out are super cute :)

  3. Yes, the invites were adorable....Little brand new fish :)
    Thank you for thinking of me!

    See you soon, married lady!!
