Saturday, December 5, 2009

Has it been 3 months already?!

Today is Penelope's 3 month Birthday! She's getting so big already - time is just flying by! I had to take her in to the pediatrician's office yesterday and she weighed in at 12 lbs on the dot! Such a big girl. At 3 months of age, Penny can reach toward things and sometimes even grasp objects and pull them to her mouth, she can hold her hands together and bring them to her mouth, she is a champ at holding her head up (she always wants to be sitting upright so that she can look around), and she can even push her shoulders up off the ground with her arms when laying on her belly! According to the pediatrician, that is pretty advanced - usually babies cannot do these things until they are 4-6 months of age - so she's a little mighty mouse! Above is a picture of her in her Bumbo chair - she LOVES sitting in it. It allows her to sit up and look around without mommy having to hold her all the time!

We also learned that she has eczema at this last pediatrician visit. She has had a small rash on the top of her head and on her cheeks for the past several weeks and we thought it to be cradle cap - but yesterday it had spread to her entire body, so I took her in to get it checked out again. Luckily, I had been using Aquaphor to treat the rash... and, as it turns out, that is what they usually prescribe as an over-the-counter treatment for eczema... but she had had a break out all over, and that required a stronger, medicated ointment. Since I had been treating the rash so well, it stayed relatively controlled and minor, even the pediatrician had thought that it was only cradle cap. The doctor gave me a list of things that could have caused it to break out and spread. It only took one application of her new ointment and the rash has almost completely gone away.

Now that we have all that icky-ness delt with things have been going a lot smoother around here. Penelope has been super happy and giggly lately. She went through a few nights last week where she was waking up a few times in the middle of the night to eat - and I was afraid it was going to be a habit, but fortunately, she has gone back to sleeping from about 10:30pm - 6:00am. So tonight, we're going to be brave and start transitioning Penny to the crib in her Nursery. Up until now, she has been sleeping in a playpen in my and Alan's room. I'll bet she'll sleep better than I will tonight...

We're starting to get excited to celebrate Penelope's first Christmas - it is less than three weeks away! For the past week or so, we have been digging out and setting up the Christmas decorations. Today we bought her first stocking as well as some cute Christmas jammies - but are still on the hunt for the perfect "Baby's first Christmas" ornament.

Below are some fun photos from the past few weeks - enjoy!

The Primm Family :) ... at my Parents home in northern Wisconsin. We went there for a visit just before Thanksgiving.

She is becoming a Daddy's Girl :)
She actually loves reaching for and playing with Alan's beard!

Rub-a-dub-dub Penelope's in the tub! She loves her baths... until you take her out!

Such a face! She was really happy and playing just before I took this photo. She was actually mid-laugh and just all of a sudden stopped and cracked this sad little face! We're going to be in a lot of trouble when she learns how to use that pout to get what she wants!

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