Sunday, January 9, 2011

Play Date!

A super fun, relaxed weekend was had at the Primm House :)
We had our buddies, Kieran and Seamus over for a play date for a few hours Friday morning! For the past few weeks, Penelope's favorite place to play has been her crib. She'll bounce around in there with her baby dolls forever if you let her. Well... maybe not that long... but she'll play around for at least a half hour, which is good for her age!
At one point during the play date, Penny asked... scratch that... BEGGED to go in her crib for her baby dolls. Once Penny was in, Kieran HAD to go in too and he was hooked! They ended up playing in there for 45 minutes! I tried taking them out a few times and they would just whine until I put them back in! They had so much fun bouncing around and giggling at each other :)

Penny has a pretty sweet toy called "the busy ball popper" by Playskool. It comes with about 5 of these little plastic balls that pop up, out of it and land in a funnel, winding them back into the toy to be popped back up. Penny loves running around with the balls and throwing them around.

I think that she's convinced herself that one of those balls are going to fit in her mouth one of these days...

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